March 31st, 2020 - Hair We Go! Week 2 Day 2

Yes - today is crazy hair day. Many of us have been without a haircut for longer that we would prefer. Fortunately we're able to sport our favorite cap while "Zooming." We may decide that barbers and salons are an essential business after today. Be brave and embrace what social distancing has done to your "do."

Check out this award winning video about hair, and more importantly, the idea that sometimes when our roles change, we struggle. And that's ok. 

Don't forget to add the hashtag #WildcatStrongAtHome when sharing your crazy hair pics.

Please remember that next week is the last week of the six weeks and that all courses that a student is enrolled in will issue a grade. Some have the misunderstanding that only core classes have continued during this time. It is important that students also complete work in their elective and language classes as well. Some of these teachers have designed amazing activities, and these courses are a great opportunity to create and move. This balance is important.

If grades are not being entered into PowerSchool for a class your student is taking, please contact the teacher and Administrator. Find their emails here: LINK Click the administrator's name to see their responsibilities. 

Yesterday we gave out over 500 meals to families. We will serve again Thursday at JL Long between 10:00 and 1:00. 

And if you know of a family in need of a wifi hotspot, please help them fill out this request form:
Once the ID number is entered, the rest of the form populates. As requests are processed, I am notified and we coordinate pick up with the family. 

Please continue to be safe. We miss seeing you all.


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