March 19th, 2020 - Working Remotely

*** Chromebook pick up available today and tomorrow from 9-11.***

Today's post focuses on tips for working remotely. While most of us typically engage in some aspect of "home work," this is usually an extension of a different work experience. The articles linked below offer suggestions for all of us. Some of these tips will serve our students well when they graduate from the structures of high school.

23 Essential Tips for Working from Home

8 Tips to Make Working from Home Work for You

5 Tips for Effectively Working from Home During the Coronavirus Outbreak, When You Have Kids
1. Create a schedule
2. Communicate, even more than you think is necessary
3. Set boundaries with your children
4. Take breaks
5. Alternate shifts with your partner

Don't Make These Six Biggest Mistakes if You're Working from Home
1. Working in pajamas
2. Working from the bed or the couch
3. Going dark
4. Neglecting health
5. Not creating structure or boundaries
6. Taking the opportunity for granted

How to Schedule Your Study Hours in Distance Learning
1. Determine what you need to get done
2. Create a Plan
3. Prioritize your requirements
4. Be as detailed as possible with your study schedule
5. Start slow
6. Stick to your schedule
7. Make time to study for exams

Link to original tweet:
Link to original tweet:
Take a Field Trip:
Virtual Activities - Where Do You Want to Go Today?
Visit 600+ Colleges for Free

Don't Let the Freshman 15 become the Quarantine 15:
How to Eat Healthy While Working from Home (I know there are unique challenges during this time.)

This is a Brian Kight post I've been holding on to from May of 2018. We've been training for this! Move forward with courage and confidence.

Everything is training for something.

Every day of your life is preparing you for every future day of your life. How you respond today is a training rep that embeds habits for how you will respond to other situations, even totally different ones, in the future. That’s real. That’s practical. That’s fundamentally life. We’re so fortunate we get to live today with the self-awareness to prepare for tomorrow. But most people don’t think that way, rarely live that way, and definitely don’t train that way.
Everything is training. Human nature is built like that. Mindset when you drive in traffic is training for your emotions during change. Empathy with your boss is training for patience with your kids. Telling a difficult truth to your friend is training for having a culture conversation at work. Being optimistic when everyone else is cynical is training for self-confidence when everyone else doubts you.
When you see every moment as training for a future moment, you understand something most people never will: if you want to do well during crisis, you have to practice constantly during comfort and if you want to be ready for opportunity, you have to train for it when it’s unlikely.
What you do when stress and urgency arrive in your life just reveal what you did during times of comfort and convenience.


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