March 22nd, 2020 - There is No Insurmountable Solitude

Wildcat Students and Families:

As we conclude Spring Break, I imagine that new emotions will come from not returning to school. This is an unprecedented time requiring widespread actions that will push us well past the edge of comfort. As a school, our mission has always been to maximize each student's social, emotional, and academic growth. We know there are so many needs at this point that supercede tests and quizzes, the first being the health and safety of you all as our Wildcat Family. While we hope our "At-Home Learning" will provide opportunities for routine and connections, we will continue to reach out to see how we can assist with other needs. 

Yesterday I was reminded of some timeless wisdom from Pablo Neruda:

There is no insurmountable solitude. All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song — but in this dance or in this song there are fulfilled the most ancient rites of our conscience in the awareness of being human and of believing in a common destiny. LINK

This made me smile and affirmed that there is an other side, and while it may not be the same place we started, it will be whatever we make it. As long as strive to be a little better today than yesterday, and a little better tomorrow than today, everything will be alright.  

Here a couple reminders from yesterday's post:

Meal Assistance
Dallas ISD meals will be provided at J.L. Long M.S.
Meals for students: Mon and Thursday, 10 am-1 pm. Starts on Mar 23.  Students will receive 3 meals per day for 3 days. Must bring your student. Pick up site will be marked. Staff members will distribute meals. Families should stay in the car.

LakePointe at WhiteRock Church will hand out a weeks worth of groceries this Monday at 9-11am AND from 4-6pm. The address is 9150 Garland Rd.
Just drive up, stay in the car, and boxes will be brought out.

Medicine Pick Up
Parents can pick up the medicine from the school on Monday, March 23 from 10 a.m.-1 pm. Please call the school (972.502.4415) in advance to let them know you are coming. Nurse Copeland will bring the medicine out to you.

At-Home Learning
Woodrow students. Find your Google Classroom and Remind Codes here: LINK <-- this will be updated throughout the day on Monday
Teacher email addresses can be found here: LINK
Dallas ISD's "At-Home Learning" site is located here: LINK
Answers to "At-Home Learning Frequently Asked Questions" are located here: LINK
Technology support is available at (972) 925-5630

These are our "At-Home Learning" Goals
  • Simplifying the learning process for students and parents
  • Maintaining student progress towards appropriate course goals
  • Preparing students for future coursework/learning
  • Meeting students social and emotional needs 
  • Making sure every student feels seen, known, and grown

Teachers will be working Monday to get classes and communication channels set up. Our goal is to have week one assignments hosted and ready to go by Tuesday. This first week is primarily for teachers and students to troubleshoot issues during this transition. Thank you for your grace and patience. In the following weeks we will try to have the week's assignments posted by Monday morning with a Friday deadline so that create their weekly calendar. We will then attempt to have grades posted in PowerSchool by the following Wednesday.

Internet Offers
Parents without home access to the Internet can consider these free or reduced-cost opportunities from area providers:
We has over 50 people pick up Chromebooks Thursday and Friday. If you need a Chromebook, please fill out the REQUEST FORM and come over to Woodrow on Monday or Thursday from 10-1 after picking up meals at Long.

AP Testing
College Board has posted Advanced Placement (AP) updates for schools impacted by coronavirus: LINK
Woodrow AP teachers will communicate course expectations next week. 

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