March 20th, 2020 - International Day of Happiness!

***Yesterday was the first day of spring and today is the International Day of Happiness!***

What an amazing picture from yesterday! I know there are endless questions and a variety of emotions during this time. 

In 10th grade I had the assignment of reading Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning. In this work, he reflects on his time in a Nazi concentration camp and writes the realization that “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” 

While there are many events in our lives, the only thing 100% within our control is our response. The quality of our response determines the outcome. If we want a different outcome, the variable we have control over is our response. This is the physics of life.

Events + Response = Outcome  

Today I communicated some expectations for teachers and staff in preparation for At-Home Learning. They'll have some questions and the leadership team will provide clarity and support. Please remember that they that are all still on Spring Break. The goal is to have Google Classrooms and communication codes ready by the end of the day on Monday. We are aiming to have the first week's assignments up and ready to go by Tuesday. I will communicate Parent/Student expectations on this blog Sunday so that you all will know how to participate. Do not add this to your current list of worries. 

These are our "At-Home Learning" Goals
  • Simplifying the learning process for students and parents
  • Maintaining student progress towards appropriate course goals
  • Preparing students for future coursework/learning
  • Meeting students social and emotional needs 
  • Making sure every student feels seen, known, and grown

Here is where Dallas ISD is posting student-related information:

I know there are questions regarding access to the building, getting items like VOEs and transcripts, and how to help. The building has been disinfected. Please do not come to the campus. That puts people are risk. The health and safety of our school community is the top priority.

Here are some pictures to brighten the day!


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