May 4th, 2020 - Teacher Appreciation, Monitoring Grades, May the 4th Be With You

Today kicks of Teacher Appreciation Week.

Please take a moment to shoot quick message to a teacher who has helped during educational journey. These small tokens of gratitude go a long way, especially during a time when our dynamics are so different.

This is also an important time to stay on top of your grades, seniors especially. We are working on communicating with teachers and students the grade required for Cycle 6 to earn credit. For those in STAAR tested courses, earning credit is necessary to be exempted from having to take the test in the future.

Please make sure you are utilizing PowerSchool and know the grade students need to make:

There are also new resources being updated on the Dallas ISD AT-Home Learning site: LINK.

Finally, we will be communicating more information the next couple days about what we will need to prepare for our special graduation event for our seniors. Again, our goal is to maintain the traditional graduation ceremony elements while using this as an opportunity to celebrate this amazing group of seniors in a unique and memorable way.

May the 4th be with you!


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